Below you will find a comprehensive video presentation which will provide detailed information on Cosmelan, the Cosmelan Peel and how the Cosmelan Peel program works. It will show you how and why pigmentation forms, the different types of pigmentation and how Cosmelan and the Cosmelan Peel program works to combat it, regulate and maintain results.
It will also show scientifically proven results, before and after pictures, proving that Cosmelan and the Cosmelan Peel program does not just mask the problem by removing surface layers, it treats the problem and reduces the over production of melanin which actually causes freckles, melasma etc.
Cosmelan and the Cosmelan Peel Program can provide amazing results for all skin types from all backgrounds, however it is not a quick fix. Initial results can be seen within a 2-3 week period, however the program is for 6 months and this commitment will ensure that the pigmentation is not just removed on the surface but with the continued use of Cosmelan 2, this pigmentation will regulate and produce normal melanin levels which will result in a clearer complexion.
Pricing and Cosmelan package options can be found in the following pages or just click here.
This Cosmelan video is very comprehensive and details many FAQ's. We highly recommend watching!
10 minutes in length - ensure to turn sound on - best viewed on desktop.